General Topics

We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract relating to a one or more of the general topics:

  • Remote Sensing and GIS as Tools for Natural and Man-made Disaster Management
  • Landslide Monitoring and Data Processing
  • Flood Analysis, Drought Monitoring
  • Forest Fire Control
  • Urban Analysis
  • Earthquake and Geo-Hazards
  • Coastal and Ocean Pollution
  • Desertification and Land Degradation
  • Radio Communication and Observation Services at All Levels of Disaster Management
  • Guiding Rescue Teams by GI-Technology
  • Use of Small Satellites and Drones in Disaster Management
  • New Approaches in Disaster Management Like Societal Science
  • Multi-Stake Holder Disaster Management Models/Approaches
  • Capacity Building in Disaster Monitoring, Assessment, and Management
  • Relationships between the Land-Use Decisions and Disaster Risks
  • Mobile Mapping Applications in Disaster Management